My day was spent working.
Luckily for me it was a work day divided between 3 jobs.

My morning was spent
blindfolding my high school students.
I guess since this is a new blog I should explain a little.
I work as the assistant photography teacher at a high school
& today we started the beginning stages of teaching the kids how to
role & develop their own film. Since the rolling process takes place in complete
darkness, we had to find out who was ready to tackle that step....the best way we could think of: to blindfold everyone and have a race. I love my job.
TWO.My afternoon was spent keeping track of not 1, not 2, but 3 babies.
Yes, triplets.
All girls & all adorable & you will see them more on this blog, as my Saturdays & Mondays are usually occupied by them.

Late night, homework/Starbucks date with 2 out of the 3 roomies.
Ironically, it was somewhat of an
unfortunate day for all 3 of us.
One of those days where everything seems to go wrong.
I love my jobs (& I'm super thankful that I even have work right now), but those little annoyances like
dumping a
pitcher full of baby formula/milk all over myself &
slicing my finger open while demonstrating how to SAFELY open a roll of film, all make the day go that much longer.
So this picture describes, pretty perfectly, what kind of mindset we were all in by
10:00 tonight when we attempted to start our homework.
ps. Manal would like you to know that if you'd like to see her side of the story of our lives go to her blog. It's pretty great. Go look.