
Day 409 // October 27 // Pumpkin Toes.

Day 408 // October 26 // Home, Again.

Last day in San Fran.
Said goodbye to the bestest until Thanksgiving.
Manal picked me up from the Flyaway & welcomed me home to reality.


Day 407 // October 25 // Sunday.

Good Morning.
Our last day with the Bbacher family.
My second to last day in SF.

Hello, Golden Gate.

Pre-goodbye, post-lunch:

post-goodbye, K & M (public) slipper wearing:
(in honor of Garr of course)


Day 406 // October 24 // Saturday.

(the "Full House" house)

The Bbacher fam arrived today!

We started our SF adventures at a local restaurant called, Kate's Kitchen.
(in honor of Kate's 21st birthday)

Then we went to the Academy of Sciences.

We played with penguins.

We met an albino alligator.

Then we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge.

& arrived at our (amazing) hotel in Sausalito.

Our patio was in the water.
It was pretty spectacular.

We grabbed our bikes & left for a self-guided bike tour of Sausalito.

Garrison decided to wear his hotel slippers.
(I still don't know how he was able to bike in them)

After our bike ride, we changed & walked to dinner.

Garrison still wearing his slippers.

Kate got carded for ordering a lemon drop Saki.
(a joyous occasion for her since she didn't get carded on her birthday)


oh, & my all time favorite picture from the Academy of Sciences:


Day 405 // October 23 // Friday.

Kate had class most of the day.
So I slept in, finished a little homework & decorated her room with streamers/balloons.

After class, she, Matt & I went out for Pho (for my first time)

Kate bought tequila for margaritas.
(& successfully got carded for her first time)

Then the 3 of us went home & ate the 2 layer cake that Matt made her!
(good boyfriend award)

Day 404 // October 22 // Hello, San Francisco.

After a full day of classes, I got on a plane around 9:30 PM and headed up to San Francisco to see my best friend for her birthday.

Since I couldn't bring lifesize balloons on the plane with me, I brought Kate mini balloons.

We begin our SF adventures tomorrow.

Day 403 // October 21 // What a Mess.

Up until this picture, Manal & I had a red bookshelf where she is standing.
I also had a pile of clothes on the floor next to it.

Earlier today, I went to grab jeans to pack for my trip to San Francisco
(today is Kate's 21st birthday!!!!! I head up to SF to see her tomorrow!)
When I found the jeans soaking wet, I couldn't figure out what spilled.

That was, until I noticed almost everything in the pile (including 3 textbooks) was wet....

When we realized the "wet spot" was really 5 feet of wet carpet spanning out from under the window, we went outside to investigate.

Sure enough a broken sprinkler has been pouring water into our apartment (and seeping into our carpet) for who knows how long....

what a mess.

Day 402 // October 20 // Yogurt.

I decided to have a healthy, brain boosting breakfast of yogurt & strawberries before class this morning.
That was my plan, until I knocked over the entire quart of vanilla yogurt onto our (very) dirty floor.

Manal made fun of my (unconventional) way of cleaning it up.
So she took pictures for my mom to see.

Day 401 // October 19 // Uninformed.

I drove to MHS to do my Monday photography teaching
only to find an empty parking lot.

someone forgot to tell me there was no school today.

oh well, it allowed me to get some homework done at Starbucks,
surprise Matt after his class,
& spend the afternoon together.


Day 400 // October 18 // Taco Sunday.

Taco Sunday!

Matt & Brittany joined us for our weekly Taco Sunday dinner.

With them + the regulars, we had a total of 9 people!
(our biggest group yet!)


Day 399 // October 17 // Sunny with the Boyfriend.

I babysat the trips for the last time today
(I'm being demoted to "fill in nanny" so she can find someone who can work more hours--I saw it coming, no hurt feelings)

Then I joined Matt for an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia & SNL marathon.

Day 398 // October 16 // Friday Morning Scramblers.

(Manal would rather you not see her morning face)

Friday morning "scrambled eggs with delicious inside" was what we were calling our 1:00 PM breakfast today.

Bell peppers, potatoes, white/red onions, mushrooms & tomato sauce, all mixed inside our scramblers, made for a delicious roomie + 1 breakfast.

We need a bigger skillet.

Day 397 // October 15 // Go Away, Sunshine.

& the (wonderful) rain is gone.

& the sunshine (& heat) is back.


Day 396 // October 14 // Photo Shooting.

My friend, Christian is doing the fashion photography for a new magazine/blog
& he asked me to help him out/assist with tonight's shoot.

After he got the shots he wanted of Kevin,
they got me to do something I'm not used to doing....
getting IN FRONT OF the camera...


Day 395 // October 13 // RAIN, RAIN, RAIN.

yes, it's going to be a good day.


Day 394 // October 12 // Reunions.

KATE IS HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and the only camera I have today is "photo booth" on my mac)