
Day 473 // December 30 // Christmas Five Days Late.

Because of our last minute rush to Iowa, we never got a chance to unwrap the presents that Santa left for us under the tree.
So, we did the usual Christmas morning ritual, tonight.
And it was perfect.

Matching TOMS!
(What? we live across the country from each other which gives us the right to coordinate)

SUPER fun vintage camera mugs!
(that ironically all match the cameras I already own)

Mom got new charms for her bracelet!
(Dad unwrapped his new camera case in the car on Christmas Eve)

Day 472 // December 29 // Messy?

We're back home now & I should probably consider cleaning my room.....


Day 471 // December 28 // Univ of Iowa.

We left at 7AM for a long drive home (14 hours to be exact).
On our way through Iowa City, we stopped to get a personal tour of University of Iowa where my dad graduated in 1982.

(Lenny & Ann, you should appreciate these next few photos.....)


Day 470 // December 27 // Day 4 in Iowa.

My dad's cousin, Mary works at the Iowa state capitol, so we went & visited.
(gorgeous, huh?)

Then we did a little shopping.
(it was 17 degrees)

And took a snowy family photo.

And ended the day with dinner with the Pat Braun family + Mary, Lenny & mom, Rosie.

Day 469 // December 26 // Braun Family Christmas.

Our Braun family (day after) Christmas:

We exchanged Christmas gifts with Lenny.

More board games (our favorite).

More snow !!!

(Ron, "my favorite old guy")

And finally, the traditional Braun family Christmas program:

(Cousins, Erin & Maggi performed a song
about the family that they wrote all by themselves)

(Dad performing some holiday favorites)

(Rose & Brian acting in the play)

(Hunter playing "Norbert, the Narrator", in the play)

(Hunter & Mary)

(Ron & Alice giving the traditional "Significant Events" awards)

(Lenny playing "Penny Wellington")

The Jinglets performing a Christmas classic
(yes, I actually sang/danced.....kinda)

(Ron & Maggi & Erin)

(Lenny & I)


Day 468 // December 25 // Merry (Snowy) Christmas !!!

It's C O L D.

So why not go outside and play??

(snow is up to our knees! --- or actually, maybe just my knees.)

And what would be a Braun Christmas without a very SERIOUS game of spoons?