The morning began with a
tie-tying lesson
(to be taken very seriously apparently):

and a little relaxation:

Then we headed to CPA to reserve 14 seats:

Nana & Papa
(accidentally) left their luggage (
containing their clothes for the ceremony) in the car before hopping on the plane yesterday..... so
as soon as the stores opened today, they were at
Ross searching the aisles for graduation clothes
(before needing to be at CPA by 2:30....)

Here comes the Grad!

Woooo!!! He did it!
My brother is officially in

It was pouring as soon as the ceremony finished, so after the family photos we made a mad dash for the car (& celebrated with a photo when we made it there only half drenched.)

Graduation, Hunter!
Post-ceremony celebrations!

Landon poses with Kate's display of Hunter's grad gifts:
(so much orange!)