
Day 392 // October 10 // Sweepovers, Pancakes, In N Out & Photos by Landon

Manal came over for a "sweepover" last night.

We made chocolate chip pancakes this morning.

Photos by Landon:

(Landon holding an SLR is the cutest thing ever)

Sticker Mustaches:

Welcome home sign for Mom, Dad, Nana & Papa:


Manal said...

AMAZING DAY. thanks roorie for inviting me.. :)

Manal said...

oo i love the end.. :) yay he didnt make a stop sign!

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

I MISS OUR WELCOME HOME SIGNS!!!! Hunter did not have one waiting here for us!!!!! but he did keep the house intact with no parties (at least I don't think so!!!) while we were gone....Thank you Hunter...

What a fun "sweepover"..... It is apparent that "Meow" and the kids have a lot of fun together with you.

Looks like you had a very successful week playing mom to the cousins. Proud of you Meghan. They are never going to want you to leave now. You are too much fun....

I miss you. Christmas is too far away......

♥ ♥ mom

Funny seeing all these photos at Landon's level.....Knees down to floor....

auntie said...

The kids alive and Meghan not waiting in the drive way to leave ASAP when we got home = a successful week! Yay Meghan, you have now experienced a quick glimpse of motherhood!

Thanks, Meow, for helping out!

PS: Hunter, did YOU do the dishes EVERY night before going to bed like Meghan did? :)