
Day 439 // November 26 // Today I Am Thankful For...

My old neighbors who helped me when I locked myself out of the house at 9 AM this morning (I'm house-sitting on my old street this week). Times like this make me miss my old street / my old neighbors tremendously.

My Auntie who cooked an amazing meal for 25 hungry people.
See pumpkin pies below for a preview of her inner Martha Stuart....

My Nana & Papa because they're the greatest Grandparents in the world.

My amazzzzzzzzing family.
(& ichat for making it possible to see them on Thanksgiving)

My goofball cousins.
(Austen included, but she didn't want to in any photos)

Sweet Potatoes!!!
(look Mom, I helped cook)

(& Logan who joined me in the holiday kitchen help)

& before bed, I was thankful for
Wii Fit
(to help us burn off all the feasting calories).

Last year, the Bollenbachers (who I didn't get to see today, but am ALWAYS thankful for) & I joked about it being Captain's last Thanksgiving. I am HAPPY to report that he made it another year to Thanksgiving 2009! What little faith we had in him!

(photo courtesy of Kate)


auntie said...

My apron is way cooler than Nana's!!!

kate said...