Day 525. February 20. Logan's Birthday Round 2.
Tonight was the family portion of Logan's birthday :)
Day 524. February 19. Sweet 16 Photobooth.
It was my cousin, Logan's sweet 16 birthday party tonight!
Matt & I joined the party as the "photobooth" photographers. We set up a studio & took photos of Logan & all her friends all night.
to see all the photos go here:

Day 523. February 18. Random & Out of Focus.
Day 521. February 16. Blurb.

Today I happened upon a wonderful website.
This website takes blogs & turns them into books!!
It automatically takes every post/photo from your blog & imports them onto separate pages of an album. Then I get to design & customize it as I please & when I'm done they print it!
So... I've been working on turning 365 Days in Photographs into a book !!
It's going to take me a while.....
Here are a couple of the pages I've completed so far!
(I'm so excited!)

Day 520. February 15. Addicts.
Day 519. February 14. Valentine's Day.
Day 517. February 12. Loss.

Today Matt lost his wisdom teeth - all 4 of 'em.
(you unfortunately can't tell by the photo, but he has pretty major chipmunk cheeks)
Today my family lost a very close, very dear, very talented friend, very unexpectedly.
It's stunning how quickly someone can be taken from your life without any notice.
I miss you, "Mr. Bill Ross", Nashville visits won't be quite the same,
(you unfortunately can't tell by the photo, but he has pretty major chipmunk cheeks)
Today my family lost a very close, very dear, very talented friend, very unexpectedly.
It's stunning how quickly someone can be taken from your life without any notice.
I miss you, "Mr. Bill Ross", Nashville visits won't be quite the same,
Day 516. February 11. TV.
Day 515. February 10. Light.

Manal & I (finally) bought a lamp for our room. This whole year we've had a light switch that doesn't turn anything on.
We happened upon this little black lamp for my night stand at Goodwill & now we get excited every time we walk in our room & actually have an immediate light to switch on. Why we waited this long to purchase one is beyond me.
(and yes, those are reading glasses. I seem to have to wear those now)
Day 514. February 9. Test Week.
Day 513. February 8. Rough Draft.

Early this morning I got a surge of creative inspiration & began editing some photos I had long forgotten about.
In my discovery of old photos, I became inspired to design a logo for them. Not sure why my brain was hard at work on this at 3AM, but I couldn't seem to turn it off.
This is the rough draft of the logo I came up with:
(constructive criticism anyone?)

Day 512. February 7. Saddness.

Conversation hearts are my favorite part of the Valentine season. I'm not sure why I love them, but I do. And mostly just the white ones.
Today I found out that the white ones have been discontinued & replaced with BLUE ones (and they don't taste very good).
I'm so sad.
(I realized after I took this that there aren't any blue ones shown in the photo, but if you look hard they're in the back!)
Day 511. February 6. Bear Building & Princesses.
Day 510. February 5. Gun Fever.

Today is Matt's Birthday !!!!
We were originally planning on going to Hollywood with some of his friends, but when plans fell through and the rain storm hit, we decided to have a low key evening instead.
I took him for a feast at his favorite Korean BBQ restaurant for lunch/dinner
We were originally planning on going to Hollywood with some of his friends, but when plans fell through and the rain storm hit, we decided to have a low key evening instead.
I took him for a feast at his favorite Korean BBQ restaurant for lunch/dinner
I let him teach me a video game that he's been wanting me to learn for years...
Given that I'm a girl who has held an Xbox controller probably 3 times in my life, I haven't ever been too motivated to play Call of Duty with him. This game requires shooting enemies & having relatively good control over the buttons & joysticks on the controller...I've never been interested.
But since it was his birthday, I thought I'd humor him...
Of course within 20 minutes of playing this horribly addicting game, Matt soon coined me as having "the gun fever" since I wouldn't stop playing.....
He thought it was a pretty great birthday...
Given that I'm a girl who has held an Xbox controller probably 3 times in my life, I haven't ever been too motivated to play Call of Duty with him. This game requires shooting enemies & having relatively good control over the buttons & joysticks on the controller...I've never been interested.
But since it was his birthday, I thought I'd humor him...
Of course within 20 minutes of playing this horribly addicting game, Matt soon coined me as having "the gun fever" since I wouldn't stop playing.....
He thought it was a pretty great birthday...

Day 509. February 4. A Helvetica Birthday.
Tomorrow is Matt's birthday so in between classes today, I was busy designing this year's birthday card!
If you know Matt & his love for the font, Helvetica then you'll understand why I made this crazy card for him, otherwise it may just look like a cluttered card full of birthday wishes.
Either way, I'm excited to give it to him tomorrow because for once I made him a card that doesn't have a bunch of sappy photos of us on it! (even though I do love those)

Day 508. February 3. Film Nerd.
This is the newest addition to our photo department & what occupied most of my morning.
It's a handy, dandy bulk film roller....
(that I am SUPER excited about)
(that I am SUPER excited about)

When our students need a roll of film to shoot with, instead of being forced to take a roll of 36 exposures or 24 exposures, our students now get a roll with as little or as many exposures as they want.
It cuts on the cost of individually wrapped film canisters and it's eco-friendly since you reuse all the canisters!
Do you think I'm a total dork yet?
It cuts on the cost of individually wrapped film canisters and it's eco-friendly since you reuse all the canisters!
Do you think I'm a total dork yet?

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