This is the newest addition to our photo department & what occupied most of my morning.
It's a handy, dandy bulk film roller....
(that I am SUPER excited about)
(that I am SUPER excited about)

When our students need a roll of film to shoot with, instead of being forced to take a roll of 36 exposures or 24 exposures, our students now get a roll with as little or as many exposures as they want.
It cuts on the cost of individually wrapped film canisters and it's eco-friendly since you reuse all the canisters!
Do you think I'm a total dork yet?
It cuts on the cost of individually wrapped film canisters and it's eco-friendly since you reuse all the canisters!
Do you think I'm a total dork yet?

no way thats awesome!
it's SO cool! ha i spent the entire morning putting film in canisters! The kids were laughing at Schlenks & I for being so excited about it ha we can't help it, it's so amazing!
haha yessss I love my little film nerd!!
i MISS you Aja...
I miss you MORE Megs!
I totally get it! What does that say about me ???
Dorky Dorkinson
If it weren't for nerdy eco-friendly Meghan, who would save the planet and make awesome pictures?? Oh, and make me laugh with hilariously oversized glasses? Huh? Yeah, I love your dorkiness.
haha! that made my day!
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