If anyone knows me & my love for Envy on the Coast, you'll know how freakin awesome this blog post is for me.... Matt & my day was spent at Angel Stadium mostly just because I wanted to see Ryan Hunter (I have the best boyfriend in the world by the way).
When I lived in Seattle, Kate, Anja & I stumbled upon Envy on the Coast & they've been one of my favorite bands ever since. I haven't been able to see them since that night at Chop Suey, until I found out they would be playing at the Bamboozle concert today....
Matt & I bought tickets (luckily some bands he actually liked were playing too) & we spent our day in the sun taking in awesome set after awesome set.
Envy/Ryan was A M A Z I N G .....
(well worth the 2 year wait)

I wish Anja had been there to obsess over Ryan with me
(did I mention how amazing my boyfriend is for putting up with me?)
and I REALLY wish she had been there to take this with me:
(too bad they both look like the worst human beings ever in this photo)

Say Anything
Pierce the Veil
Jonny Craig
Circa Survive
were some of our other favorites from the day.
Anthony Green was a stage master & Matt's favorite part of the day:
Pierce the Veil
Jonny Craig
Circa Survive
were some of our other favorites from the day.
Anthony Green was a stage master & Matt's favorite part of the day:
I am sure glad that you do this blog because I see how much I DON'T know about your life....... 2200 miles between us sometimes really stinks!!!
I had no idea you went to this huge concert, and how did you get to meet and take photos with all of these people???? Looks like you & Matt had a great time.
ohhhhh my goshhhhh i had the BEST time! Because it was an all day concert thing all the bands were just hanging around watching the different concerts and stuff so if you ran into them you could talk to them hah.
it was SO funnnnnnnnn
oh hayyy. nice shorts
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