
Day 600. May 6. Wine cellar celebration sans Kate.

Birthday week continues,
as I celebrated with the Bbachers
in their wine cellar !

Kate's big box of fun
arrived today so Garr snapped tons of photos
so she could feel like she was here with us...
Miss you Bestest!
Love, your Mexican Grandson


kate said...

hahah I love your face in these pictures! Wish I could have been there, but soon enough!

Anonymous said...

jeebus how fun! (and Mrs.B looks so fashionable!)

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

You are special!!! Maybe Padre Miguel will take dad and I to his wine cellar for our birthdays too since we hit that BIGGER milestone this summer!!!

Continue on with the celebrations!!!


Padre Miguel said...

Padre Miguel would love to have Sundress and the Big T in the wine cellar. Plenty of reservations available

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

We would like to make a reservation for Padre Miguel's Wine Cellar for sometime between Christmas and New Years please. Unfortuntetly we will not be back to Pasadena until then. Put us on your calendar. Miss you B-bacher family.

Mama Klein

Auntie said...

"Sundress" -- that cracks me up. If Padre Miguel knew me, I wonder what my nickname would be.

kate said...

dad, you look like a creep