(This is how Landon prays before dinner -- seriously!)

Hunter has pretty great friends.
5 of them agreed to accompany us to my Aunt's house -- all while under the impression that we were celebrating my Aunt's birthday (who most of them had never even met)...
I'm not sure how they came to this conclusion, but his friends were quite surprised when they found out it was Hunter's birthday we were really coming together to celebrate.
So bummed Dad and I could not have been with all of you to help Hunter celebrate.
Thanks Auntie for once again filling in for me!!! You're the best.....
I think Hunter has a pretty great "Auntie" also for hosting such a large dinner gathering! Thanks Auntie for being the substitute parent for Susie and I!
Sorry we missed the celebration.
You used Matt's 50 mm lens on that picture of Landon, didn't you? Huh, didn't you? Really... you did, huh?
c'mon, huh?
1. Your dad is hilariously awesome*.
2. Landon's getting sooo big! He's such a cutie.
*This term doesn't make any sense but I'm going to use it anyway.
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