
Day 704. August 18. Suite-mates.

Padre Miguel's sister, Jan & nephew Conor are here this week from Washington.

Jan was my suite-mate all week & she's definitely my favorite suite-mate ever
(sorry what's your names from SPU 3 years ago).

Conor & Garrison love each other.

If you think Kate & I are strange...
(which we definitely are not)

Then you would find Garr & Conor
to be VERY weird
(yet extremely entertaining)

Also from tonight's adventures:

"Awkward, Up Close and Personal"

portrait series:


Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

I am SO sorry I had to miss out on all of this fun.... Our house is WAYYYYYYYY to boring. I REALLY miss having you and Hunter at home (Pasadena home) with friends.

and by the way, you and Kate do have a bit of a weird relationship!!!!

love you both

kate said...

what a fabulous night!

Dr. Phil said...

Weird does not even come close to describing the Kate and Meg show.