I babysat the trips during the day---took a few more headshots of them--- then headed up to my cousin's house to get started on a week of "cousin sitting".
Austen spent the night at her other cousin's house, so it was just me, Landon & Logan tonight.
Landon & I had to pick up Logan from a school football game. On the way to pick her up, Landon & I shared a red light with 2 cars that had music playing loud enough for Landon to hear in the backseat of our car. After seeing the people "dancing" in their car, Landon demanded we turn on some "rock & roll music" and dance like the people next to us.
We spent the rest of the drive dancing to whatever [appropriate] music I could find on the radio [playing slightly louder than I'd normally play with him in the car] & I watched in the rear view mirror as he danced (what he calls) "the wiggle".
I wish I could have gotten a video of it.
man i love the first picture!!
Those babies are SOOOOOOO adorable. Love Olivia's little red dress!!!!
I am getting a visual on Landon's "wiggle" in the back seat.... How cute...
Missing you guys...
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