
Day 673. July 18. Reality LA.

There's this little church in Hollywood called Reality.
My friends & I have been trying it out the last couple of weeks (& so far, we're really enjoying it),

so after today's service, Matt & Kyle & I ventured into Silverlake
where we happened upon Intelligencia, a rad little coffee and tea shop.

We took photos with my iphone because, well, I failed to have any other kind of camera on hand & while the boys sipped espresso (yuck), I enjoyed an ice tea that tasted a bit like kool-aid.


idiesto said...

whoa. i totally go to Reality LA and then Intelligencia on Sundays!

Unknown said...

!!!! welllll i'll hopefully have to run into you at either of those places tomorrow!!

Unknown said...

there are rumors Intelligencia is coming to Pasadena!

Unknown said...